Membership Subscription

Membership Subscriptions
We can show two buttons per product page that allows a user to select one-time or subscription to add to their cart. Is it possible in the shopify cart to have both subscription and one-time items process at one time or is
the subscription going to need a separate checkout process to collect up all the required, pertinent information?

Required information to collect on checkout:
1. Name, First*
2. Name, Last*
3. Shipping Address (2 lines addy* (ONLY 1 ST REQ’D), city*, state* (list to choose from), zip (+4?)*
4. Email*
5. Phone (not required)
6. Subscription cycle: Monthly or Bi-Monthly* (either checkbox or choose from dropdown)
7. Checkbox to indicate acceptance of subscription terms*
8. Billing address same as Shipping*
9. Optional alternate billing information (only required if billing addy is different)
10. Credit/Debit Card or Paypal information

On the member’s account screen, they should be able to see/edit:
1. Name information
2. Address information
3. Email information
4. Phone
5. All products on subscription (ability to remove existing or add new here as well?)
6. Change billing information
7. Edit/update payment information
8. Update password on account
9. Ability to cancel subscription(s)

a. This should bring up a statement about product being shipped for the remainder of the annual membership and NO AUTO RENEWAL at the end of that period. Per the terms of subscription service agreed to when your membership was initiated during your first checkout, no refunds are available.

Terms of Subscription Service:
1. There is an annual $5 fee for membership in our subscription service
2. Shipping (standard) is free on subscription products
3. If you order additional products AT THE SAME TIME, those products will also ship free with yoursubscription items.
4. Because you’re a member, you will enjoy 15% off all products on our website including Merch, as well as condoms and related personal products.
5. Should you decide that you want to cancel your subscription prior to the annual renewal, you can do so by clicking on the Cancel Subscription (button, checkbox, etc.) in your account. Please click on your account icon and initiate that directly in the account. Question: In shopify is there a way to automatically display on product pages or show in cart, prices for
all products that are 15% discounted? Or must we use a code? We’re trying not to give out codes that
we’d have to honor even to people who don’t have subscriptions might be able to use…